Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Which one should I get an Xbox 360 Slim or A Ps3?

So it's almost my birthday and I was just wondering an XBox 360 Slim or A Ps3? I have a couple of games i want for the systems.

Xbox 360

Fable 2

Dead Rising 2

Red Dead Redemption

Resi 5

And for Ps3

Metal Gear Solid 4

Uncharted 2

Dead Space 2

Dragon Age Orgins

Kill Zone 2

I knoee I'm a nerd :cWhich one should I get an Xbox 360 Slim or A Ps3?
Playstation 3
I say get a xbox 360

I have both systems and i have gotten a lot more enjoyment from my 360 than my ps3

The 360 has a better setup than the ps3 and the multiplayer blows the ps3's mulitplayer out of the water

The games for the ps3 have a lot more technical problems and are buggier than the 360 games, for example, the game fallout 3 is for both systems but the ps3 version has a ton more bugs and glitches while fallout 3 for the 360 runs more smoothly.Which one should I get an Xbox 360 Slim or A Ps3?
Well your not a nerd...

When I was wondering the same thing.. I did alot of research because frankly I was poor..It all depends on your opinion or what you want from your games...


-- Multiplayer $50 US dollars per year

- Larger Community

- Frequent Updates

-- Graphics are still good

- Estimated time of it being out dated is 2 - 5 years

- Not much lag..usually keeps above and estimated 35 fps

-- Motion Gameplay

- Slightly more precise than 360

-- Price

- Games are usually a little bit more expensive than PS3

- Consoles range from 200 - 300 brand new


-- Multiplayer is free

- Community is smaller than the 360..but is still pretty large

- Semi - Frequent Updates

-- Graphics will be and are good

- Game developers have said that the PS3's graphics can surpass the 360's..but the don't take the time to make it better because less people have the PS3 and they're on a budget

- Pretty good FPS... (don't personally have one so I can't give an estimate)

-- Video

- Built in Blu-Ray Player

-- Motion Gameplay

- Slightly less precise than 360

-- Price

- Games are usually a little bit cheaper than 360

- Consoles range from 300 - 400 for a new one
Ps3, it has better exclusives unlike that one guy said blu ray netflix is the same and there are a bunch of kids on xbox pre-teens that scream at you so user-base friendly my **** free online etc etc better investment also if you have a bunch of ps2 games that you will want to play again i would not recommend getting the ps3 slim as it doesn't have backwards capabilities but the fat does i made that mistake and i wont get to play dragon quest 8 for a long time T.T.Which one should I get an Xbox 360 Slim or A Ps3?
Hopefully you understand my nerd lingo when I say that based upon your selection of games i would get an xbox 360, while I own both consoles it seems that the xbox is better for first person shooters while the ps3 is good for action an adventure role playing games. If i were you I would get an xbox
Get a 360..reasons?

Its Kinect capable.

More, better exclusives.


Better Netflix interface.

Ability to form parties.

Zune Passes


More user friendly interface
Xbox 360


its more nerd friendly
xbox 360
get a ps3 because

- ps3 has a built-in blu-ray player

-ps3 supports 1.3 HDMI which has rich colors and xbox supports 1.2 HDMI

- ps3 has much more and better exclusives, most of them cant go to xbox 360 because it cant handle that many data(DVD- 8.5gb, blu-ray 50gb)

- because of the blu-ray's huge space, ps3 will have WAY better graphics than 360

- online is free for ps3 not like 360

- ps3 will have over 300 games released by this spring

- you can browse the internet on ps3, no such thing for xbox 360

- when developers get used to the system, the graphics will be WAY better than 360. should take them a year to get used to it

- playstation home is coming out this spring, its a virtual community where you can hang out with friends and customize your own apartment which xbox doesnt have(FREE)

- ps3 is a true HD console. xbox 360 upscale games to 1080p and ps3 DISPLAY games up to 1080p

- built in Wi-Fi

- xbox 360: 33% hardware failure

ps3: .2% hardware failure(see the decimal? less than 1%!)

- ps3 has better back-comp except the 40gb

- rumble returns in spring 2008

- you can upgrade your harddrive without voiding warranties with any 2.5 HDD, which xbox cant because you have to buy a xbox HDD

(they actually have the step by step on how to upgrade it on

those are the ones that i know right off my mind but there are much more reason than this

Prices as of today:

ps3- 80gb: $499 with motorstorm

40gb: $399 with spiderman 3 blu-ray

xbox 360(premium)- $399

(elite)- $479

if you want the accessories that ps3 comes with, that would add up to over 700 dollars, so that means ps3 is actually cheaper

PS3 4 LIFE!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

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