Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dragon Age 2: Signature Edition problem?

I borrowed this game from a friend recently and started playing it etc. I got all the way up to the part when you get off the boat at the very beginning. I did not play the game a lot and I barely just started playing it. I played all the way to the part when the dwarf (I don't remember his name) shoots that thief and gets you your money and tells you all that about the journey they are trying to fund. After that I decided to turn the game off and go to bed. The next day I go to play the game and it is telling me I can't play on my previously saved file and the auto saves for it because I don't have the neccesary DLC. It has happened on two different occasions. I don't even have Xbox Live on my Xbox that I am using so idk where it got the idea that I had DLC saved. I deleted all my profiles and tried again except this time I saved right away when you barely start escaping the city with your family. After I saved I turned it back to the menu and it lets me play the game. Then I tried going to the Xbox dashboard and then reloading the same saved game and it lets me play still without telling me anything about missing DLC. It lets me play the game just fine until I am off the boat and then turn the game off because that is when it says I need DLC. Is this because I have Signature Edition?Dragon Age 2: Signature Edition problem?
It may be because you borrowed the game from a friend. There's probably a code you have to enter to get the DLC. I know that was the case for Shale in Dragon Age: Origins. Not sure whether you can use the same code on two machines.

Bioware's forums are usually helpful (I used them a lot when playing Neverwinter Nights).
You may find what you need by looking through the FAQs or technical help section, or you might need to join the forum and ask.

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